In this page I will collect links to other video games, game frameworks and websites about Special and General Relativity.

I sort all entries from the most recent to the oldest.

Other Special Relativity games or frameworks

  • Relativity for games A space shooter game, also downloadable from GitHub
  • MIT’s A Slower speed of light. This game/framework focuses very much on the perceived effects due to light propagation. The game includes doppler shift, distortions due to light propagation, such as the Terrel-Penrose effect. The game was developed with Unity around 2013 and later.
  • Velocity raptor, playable online. This is a 2D game developed by TestTubeGames around 2011. It has the ability of showing classical and relativistic views of the same situation. It also distinguishes between the measured world and the perceived world.
  • “Designing a Computer Game to Teach Einstein’s Theory of Relativity”. This is an oldish paper from 2007. The advertised game is a variant of the “asteroid” arcade game.

Other relevant sites